I would like to do charter business in Croatia, but don't want to set up a company, can I have a representative?
I would like to do charter business in Croatia, but don't want to set up a company: can I have a representative?
Yes, you can, and you are in the right place! BomiShip will guide you through the fiscal process,and will manage all the filing obligations and compliances with the tax authorities whilst providing operational and fiscal guidance to the owning company. We will provide the following services:
• Completing an application for VAT registration of the Owning Company with the local tax office
• Providing fiscal representation/agency to the Owning Company
• Ensuring that the Owning Company is fully compliant with the rules on invoicing and VAT treatment
• Generating invoices
• Maintaining accounting records
Please note:
* EU Directive provides that VAT must be paid in the country where a non-resident company provides its services. Both EU and NON-EU yacht owning companies need to appoint a fiscal representative to represent them in Croatia.
** All Non-EU flagged commercial yachts are required to obtain a charter license regardless of whether the yacht will embark guests in another EU or Non-EU country. The license is valid for the calendar year. The number of licenses issued might be limited based on the Croatian market supply situation
*** VAT for charter activities in Croatia is 13% for multiday charters and 25% for daily charters